Non-Chemical Approaches for Suppressing the Population of Termites spp.


  • Ankit Kumar Mishra Dept. of Agril. Entomology, Banda University of Agriculture and Technology (BUAT), Uttar Pradesh (210 001), India
  • Shailendra Kumar Mishra Dept. of Agril. Entomology, Banda University of Agriculture and Technology (BUAT), Uttar Pradesh (210 001), India
  • Deepmala Kurre Dept. of Agril. Entomology, Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya (IGKV), Raipur, Chhattisgarh (492 012), India
  • Brajrajsharan Tiwari Dept. of Agril. Entomology, Banda University of Agriculture and Technology (BUAT), Uttar Pradesh (210 001), India


Biological control, Microbial-control, Non-chemical approach, Termites


Utilizing or modifying pathogens, predators, or parasites is known as biological control. The parasitism of termites is hardly documented. Since ants are the primary predators of termites, there has been a good deal of recent research focused on the interactions between different ant species and termites. Some ant species are good at maintaining termite foragers away from restricted wood supplies, but their ability to enter underground termite galleries in the ground is severely restricted. Insect pathogens, or microbial control, seem to have the most promise for biological control of termites. While there aren't many field efficacy data, laboratory research involving insect-pathogenic fungi is especially encouraging. Microbial control has so many potential benefits that more research is definitely required. But the technical challenges ahead are so great that we have to temper our enthusiasm with a healthy dose of cautionary realism.


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How to Cite

Mishra, A.K. et al. 2023. Non-Chemical Approaches for Suppressing the Population of Termites spp. Biotica Research Today. 5, 11 (Nov. 2023), 802–803.



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